Heyo everyone, it's me Wolfy! I am here with this project informing all of you in the StarEevee fandom that I am going to disable comments on all of my projects and maybe won't ever open them again. So many of my friends here like Cheese, Yuko, and MoonUmbreon, have been banned, and Star is still not back. Gen is the only person I really talk to at all here and the SEEU is mostly just me and him. Any other friends I have here are either not active or taking a break. I will keep entries into the SEEU open but I will only comment to approve someone's entry. Even then, what am I even going to use those OCs for anyway, the plot for most of my series are mostly written out in my head already if not on document somewhere. If you make it in, I don't know what you could do other then exist in the project... EQBE was cool and all, but it was still not the big episode. I won't be posting much but I might do a theory project when EQ3 comes out, but I still don't know. What I will do is I will write EQVC which is going to be a novel, spend time with my IRL friends and the online ones I still care about, and continue making the DND campaign I'm writing for my friend. I am trying to get a spot on the EQ team as anything, a writer, an animator, or even a voice actor. If I do I will be distancing myself from the fandom even more to the point where I may just not do Scratch that much. Thank you all so much for supporting me on this long journey, it has been so fun and amazing and I will miss this fandom so much! I still remember when I released the first CG teaser and like no one saw it haha. I've grown so much thanks to you all and I hope you all have an amazing time here. Just know that I won't be interacting with the fandom but I will still post sometimes (very rarely), comment, or drop a love or favourite. {All info here concerns both my main and alt account.} Until we meet again! - Wolfy
* Music is "It's Raining Somewhere Else" from Undertale. * SEEU Entries: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/1071277913/ * StarEevee Hotline: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/825380538/ * Visit CountWolfy.com to learn more about me. Special Thanks to: @QTBaku for introducing me to this platform. @CheeseyLeaves43 for being my first StarEevee fan friend ever. @cs2940219 for being the best artist I could want during my time here and for being so supportive of my projects. @Ballistic_Tabi_9 @LadyYukoALT @MoonUmbreon and @MrSamiam08 for being an amazing friends and collaborators. @Officially_LongCat for being my new best friend IRL and for being there when I need her.
Thanks so much again fro being the best fandom in the world for 2 whole years!