Feisty Fiascos
Feisty Fiascos is a fan series of a fan game! The entire thing would be a comedy animation show about Starlo and the Feisty Five and their zany adventures in the Wild East. The show would take place before Clover fell into the underground. It would also dive a bit deeper into the story of each member, saying how they ended up joining and stuff.
Other characters such as Ceroba and Flowey would appear as well. The finale of the show would be the Feisty Five battling some sort of antagonist crime boss that would serve as the show’s bad guy. In the post credit scene at the end of the last episode, you will see Clover fall from the surface and look around.
Bro, this took all day for some reason lol XD, probably because of the placement of the symbols and cards.
Based on The Feisty Five and the "Six Shooter" Minigame from Undertale Yellow! * Music is "A Teaspoon of Gunpowder" from Undertale Yellow
Art Credits: Feisty Fiascos Poster made with Canva * Star - The Noun Project * Kitsune Mask - Pixeleart Designer on Vecteezy * Queen Toriel - PNGEgg
N E R D - Smol Might on Reddit * The rest by MasterSwordRemix and the UTY Team