The Crimson Dawn


The generic cultist enemy. Grunts are not very strong and are easy to defeat. Their level 2 and level 3 variants are not, however.

Created by Count Wolfy

Created by Count Wolfy


The High Cultist of the Crimson Dawn. Zecoth is a crazy spasmodic lunatic who leads with his impressive charisma. He is obsessed with Lord Maliceon and will do anything to serve him. However, he has recently met someone who will change his life.


The High Mage of the Crimson Dawn. Extertrineo is an obsessed devotee who worships Lord Maliceon. He is almost always either very serious or sarcastic. The X that he wears is a symbol of devotion.

Created by Jazty

Created by Bubbles


Zyveria is a Zealot of the Crimson Dawn. She is a nerd and knows lots of spells. She is the one responsible for most of the Crimson Dawn’s planning and base layouts.


Kurai is a quiet and mysterious summoner from the Crimson Dawn. Kurai can summon corruptions at will and is obsessed with “protecting the seal”, even those within the cult don’t know what they’re talking about. Maybe the wheel-shaped talisman Kurai wears has something to do with that…

Created by Kaitlin636al

Created by Emmydoodah


Shieldguard is a female Zamazenta from Galar. She is just a grunt but has an impressive move set. Shieldguard can get really carried away with her acting when she encounters an enemy.


Emerchi is a loyal Buneary Warrior Priest. She stole some goods from the market once. One day, the cultists realized that she stole stuff and took her home.

Created by Chinsa